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Commitments of Kawabata Tea Farm

"Making tea that makes your body happy
"Leave an environment where the next generation can make tea in the same way."


​Do not use chemical pesticides or fertilizers

We have not used chemically synthesized pesticides or fertilizers for about 50 years, aiming for safe and secure tea for tea makers and drinkers.

At the beginning of such cultivation, my great-grandfather got sick due to pesticides, and agriculture that does not consider the health of the creator will not continue. Because I thought. I think that organic farming is the most ideal cultivation for making healthy tea, and I work every day.


Improve not only the tea plantation but also the surrounding environment

The tea plantation is a part of nature. Our fields are surrounded by forests, and we believe that growing a healthy forest and creating a healthy tea plantation are linked.

A healthy forest creates a healthy river, which flows into the sea and returns to the forest as rain, creating a cycle of creating abundant tea fields. For this reason, we are also focusing on creating the surrounding environment by thinning forests and maintaining bamboo grove.


The proof of deliciousness

From many customers

Almost 100% of our tea customers are repeat customers. Many of them have been purchasing for over 40 years. In particular, we receive comments such as "good aroma," "taste that you can continue to drink every day," and "sweetness." We will continue to aim for better tea making without changing the important things that we have continued for a long time.





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​ また、有機物や微生物の力を借りて地表面で発酵させることにより、地温を上げることで、早ければ12月から筍を掘り始めることができます。








Tea items, plums and bamboo shoots






​Greetings from the owner

 Hello! I'm Hiroyuki Sato from Kawaba tae farm. After graduating from university, I got a job at a  manufacturer in Aichi prefecture, and since 2018 I have been working in the family tea business.

 At first, I got a job in the steel industry thinking "I want to send Japan's amazing manufacturing to the world!", But when I was feeling the weakness of my parents' physical strength, I thought "Tea is also Japan's amazing manufacturing!" I jumped into the agricultural industry.

 My goal is to make tea with high nutritional value and leave an environment where the next generation can farm in the same way. I am convinced that organic farming is the ideal way to make tea, rather than relying on pesticides and chemical fertilizers to make such tea.

 In addition to the experience of making tea that we have continued since our grandfather and father's generation, we will make the best tea by incorporating the latest scientific management.

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​Gardener's daily life

​Contact Us


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Kawabata Tea Farm


1869 Kogouchi, Shimizu-ku, Shizuoka-shi, Shizuoka

Tel: 054-393-3176

Fax: 054-393-1081

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